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How to Treat Digestive Issues in Dogs? Symptoms & Treatment

Digestive Issues in Dogs

However, there is no need to worry—changing one’s diet may readily address many of these issues. Learn how to maintain the Digestive Issues in Dogs and what typical issues to watch out for by continuing to read.

Your dog enjoys eating healthy food and treats from time to time; mealtimes are an exciting aspect of their lively and entertaining lives! It is easy to overlook monitoring your pet’s digestive health when eating is a source of joy and excitement for both of you.

Typical Reasons for Digestive Issues

The following are the most typical causes of Dogs Digestive Issues:

Allergies to Food

The Cummings Veterinary Medical Centre at Tufts University states that the most frequent dietary allergies for dogs are eggs, dairy, chicken, and beef.

Your pet will experience the symptoms once again if the same sort of food is the cause. Once the allergy has been determined, you may alter your pet’s food.

Consuming Food or Items That Are Off-Limits

Your dog may feel better after passing through its digestive system if it overindulged in a harmless snack from the garbage can. 


Any change in your dog’s surroundings, such as the arrival of a new pet or even separation anxiety might cause stress, such as your kid leaving for college. Finding the stressor and implementing certain lifestyle adjustments for your pet is necessary for treating diarrhea brought on by stress. 

A soothing coat or Thundershirt’s pressure might assist in lowering tension and anxiety. Additional solutions include behavior therapy, desensitizing your pet to the stressor gradually, antianxiety medication, and improved socialization.

Absence of Fiber

Fiber-rich foods like rice, bran, and oats help feces flow more readily through your pet’s large intestine by moistening them. 

When Is a Veterinarian Consultation Required for Dog Stomach Problems?

So how to treat digestive issues in dogs? It may be very difficult to determine whether a gastrointestinal issue is significant at times. Furthermore, if handled too long untreated, even moderate diseases may become severe and more difficult or costly to cure. Thus, always take precautions. In light of this, the following are some situations that call for an immediate veterinarian visit:

Digestive Issues in Dogs


  • Your pet is an elderly citizen, a young puppy, or has a long-term medical problem.
  • There is severe or highly bloody vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Symptoms of stomach discomfort include fever, dehydration, and listlessness.
  • Your cat is complaining of discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Bloat is manifesting in your pet, particularly in breeds where the illness is more likely to occur. 

Overall Intestinal Wellness In Dogs

Even though your dog’s digestive system is very resilient—just imagine what they would eat if they were allowed—it’s still a good idea to keep an eye on their hunger. In addition to the food you provide them, never forget that your loved ones naturally like giving your dog a little additional care, attention, and treats! The following basic advice applies to feeding your dog:

  • A high-quality, complete dog food will be most enjoyed by your dog as it will not only contain the ideal nutritional balance but also be very palatable to them.
  • As tempting as it may be, giving dogs human food in addition to commercial dog food that is balanced and nutritionally full might lead to stomach issues.
  • Your dog likely has a variety of strategies to get you to give them leftover food from the table! Ignore “begging behavior” for more food with firmness and kindness.
  • Give your dog plenty of love, praise, and fun so you can both enjoy it while they are preoccupied with table scraps!
  • Feeding your dog at regular, planned times is recommended. Maintain your dog’s ideal physical condition with the right quantity of food to keep them in peak form.
  • Check out our guide on feeding adult dogs for additional information.

Recovering Dogs with Digestive Issues

The prognosis is usually favorable in acute instances, and recovery might take several days to several weeks. Often, owners of pets with minor digestive problems just need to deprive them of solid food for a whole day until the upset stomach goes away. Pet owners often use meal trials to determine which proteins their pets may accept in situations involving allergies or intolerances. Here are some symptoms sorted by cause for your convenience:

  • Parvo virus: fever, lethargy, appetite loss, and eventually vomiting and blood in the stool
  • Inflammation of the intestines: loose stools, difficulty passing gas, discomfort during bowel movements, lack of appetite, and vomiting
  • Constipation: difficult, dry stools and difficulty passing gas
  • Bloating symptoms include agitation, pain, fast breathing, swollen abdomen, dry retching, and excessive drooling.
  • Inflammation of the stomach: bile, foam, fresh blood, or blood that has been digested (looks like coffee grounds)
  • Cancers: pale gums, weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and lack of appetite
  • Lethargy, appetite loss, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, stomach discomfort, edema, low body temperatures, and dehydration are examples of obstructions.
  • Symptoms of ulcers include pale gums, black feces containing blood, reduced appetite, vomiting fresh or digested blood, and stomach pain.
  • The symptoms of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis include depressive symptoms, lack of appetite, bloody diarrhea, and abrupt vomiting. 
  • Weight loss, appetite loss, vomiting, diarrhea, enlarged belly, fluid retention, and watery diarrhea are all symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Malabsorption: diarrhea and/or weight loss


It can be typical if your dog starts to exhibit changes in appetite or becomes picky about what they eat; after all, dogs can be fickle creatures! But, it could also point to an underlying medical issue, so be sure to see a veterinarian if you are concerned about their wellbeing. You may learn about other odd canine symptoms to watch out for if you don’t believe the issue is related to their digestive system. Dogs who have digestive issues may exhibit a broad range of symptoms, including:

  • Appetite decline
  • Throwing up
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Overeating or flatulence
  • Difficulty while removing waste
  • Stools with mucus or blood
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